Pool Comp
Starts at: 8pm
Costs: $3 entry fee
Prizes: First Prize is $150, second prize is $50
Comedy Night
Starts at 8:30pm
Costs: $6
Use the drop down menus above to find out which comedians are on
at Oatley Pub this wednesday.
Trivia Night
Starts at 8pm
Cost: Free!
Prizes Awarded to winning teams
Friday Night
Band starts at 8:30pm
Cost: Free!
Use the drop down menus above to find out which bands are on at
Oatley Pub this friday.
Saturday Night
Band starts at 8:30pm
Cost: Free!
Use the drop down menus above to find out which bands are on at
Oatley Pub this Saturday
Sunday Afternoon Jazz
Band starts at 3pm [4pm during daylight savings]
Cost: Free!
[subject to change]